Dear Students,
Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to seeing you Monday. In preparation for classes next week, please be sure to register your TurningPoint clicker for your spring semester courses. Here are the simple and quick (will take you just a few moments) steps for doing so:
a. Navigate to (I recommend using FireFox rather than Google Chrome or another browser) and log in.
b. Choose any one of your spring semester courses and enter its Moodle page (be careful to choose a spring course, not an old fall course if they are still in your menu).
c. Scroll down the page and look along the left hand side (or possibly the right hand side for some courses) until you see the TurningTechnologies block. All courses should have the TurningTechnologies block turned “on” at this time, but if not, simply try another course.
d. Click on the “ResponseCard Registration” link in the TurningTechnologies block.
e. Click on “ResponseCard”.
f. Enter your device id (if this box is missing content). Your device id is located beneath the barcode on the back of your clicker.
g. Click “Register”.
h. Your clicker should now be registered for each of the courses you are taking this semester. You should not need to repeat the above in any other courses, but should automatically be registered in them.
Dr. Sease
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