Sunday, January 25, 2015


Water bottles and T-shirts will be ordered on Monday, and I hope to have these in your mailboxes in the next couple of weeks. Thank you again for your support!

Members: Don't forget, our monthly chapter meeting is this Monday January 26th from 12-1 in room 144. We will be having soup and salad for lunch if you responded to the survey monkey. Our guest speakers are Dr. Sandoval and Dr. Eagerton, who will be discussing the pharmacist's role in medical marijuana management. Please remember to bring your white coat for our group photo!!!!


Clinical Skills Competition

The Annual Clinical Skills Competition, sponsored by SNPhA, will be held thisWednesday, January 28th in room 271 at 5 pm. The winner of the local competition on Wednesday will move on to the Regional Competition to be held during the SNPhA Regional Conference on Friday, February 20th.

Taste of Culture 

The Annual Taste of Culture event, sponsored by SNPhA and OPSA, will also take place this upcoming Wednesday, January 28th during the lunch hour (12pm - 1pm) on the 1st floor of the School of Pharmacy building.  We look forward to seeing you all there as students put their cultures on display in their own unique way.        

Thank You!! 


Legislative Day Preparation

On Tuesday, January 27th from 12-1pm in Room 104, the South Carolina Pharmacy Association will visit PCSP to discuss Legislative Day.  All students are encouraged to attend in order to better understand the political topics and talking points of the February 19th Legislative Day event at the State House in Columbia!


Thank you to those who participated in the Compounding Competition Saturday, January 17th. A big thank you and CONGRATULATIONS to our winners!
Rebecca Conley
Ro-Derick Middleton
Dylan Porter

If you see them around please congratulate them! 


We are having our chapter meeting this Monday, the 26th, 12-1 in room 104.  We will be having Chic-fil-a for lunch for a charge of $2.

There is a Campus Worship Night on main campus Wednesday, January 28th, at 7pm at the Mabry-Smith Yonce (MSY) building.  Everyone is welcome and it will be a great time of fellowship and worship!

Join us for bible study Wednesday morning 8-8:20 in room 141.  Breakfast will be provided!!

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” –Hebrews 12:1

Monday, January 19, 2015


Our next 5th District meeting will be on Tuesday, January 20, 2015. Our presenter will be Eddie Grace,  associate professor of pharmacy practice with Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. The topic will be Ebola: The Past, The Present, and The Future. 

Please pre-register for this event at Light snacks will be provided, starting at 6:30 pm. The CE presentation will be from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The fees are $20 for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

Click on the links below for more details.

P2-P3 Students:Pharmacy Day at the State House

As ​many of ​you are aware, ​Pharmacy Day at the Capitol is Thursday, ​February 19.  ​This is also the last day of Spring-1 IPPEs for many P2 & P3 students.

Some of you have asked to attend this event and, indeed, we want to encourage you to do so.  However, it will be up to your preceptor as to whether or not you can attend and, if you do, how this will affect the hours and work required for your Spring-1 IPPE.   So if you are interested, please continue reading...!

There are 3 possible scenarios:
1.      Your preceptor plans to attend the meeting, feels that this is an important part of what he/she does as a pharmacist, and agrees that you should attend. 
o These hours will count toward your IPPE and you will not have to make them up at a later date.
o Even if your preceptor cannot attend, if he/she feels that this is an important part of being a pharmacist and agrees that you should attend, you will not have to make up these hours.
o Caution for P3 students:  this is a half-day event so if your preceptor attends and then takes 1/2 a day of vacation, you will still have a half day to make up if you cannot return to your site.
2.      Your preceptor agrees with your missing the rotation on February 19 but wants the hours made up on another day.
o For P2 students, a Tuesday morning or a weekend is preferred or you could reschedule your final IPPE day for the following week (Tuesday or Thursday), assuming no other class or meeting conflicts.
o For P3 students, the following Thursday, February 26, is an option; a weekend is also a possibility for you.
o Whatever day you and your preceptor work out, all hours must be completed NLT February 27, the last day before Spring Break.
o You and your preceptor must work out these make-up hours well in advance of February 19; if you are unable to work out a time because of your class and your preceptor's schedules, you should plan to report to your IPPE on February 19.
3.      Due to the nature of your rotation, it will not be possible for you to miss the last day.
o Some sites may plan a final presentation on the last day that cannot be rescheduled.  Or your preceptor's syllabus may not allow you to miss an entire rotation--especially the last one.  If this is your situation, you will have to miss the pharmacy event.
So if you are hoping to attend Pharmacy Day, you need to discuss this with your preceptor during your next IPPE.   You do not need to notify the OEE about this change in your schedule provided that it meets one of the options mentioned above.

We will be sending this same information to your preceptor so he/she will hopefully expect to discuss this with you.

If you do not contact your preceptor and do not show up for all or any part of your rotation on February 19, this will be considered an unexcused absence which is grounds for failing the rotation which, in turn, means that you will fail the course, PHRM 6201 or 7201.  

Please contact Mrs. Carbonneau if you have any questions.


APhA-ASP will hold its chapter meeting on Wednesday, January 21st, from 12-1pm in Room 104. We will be discussing our upcoming Patient Counseling Competition, , Nominations for 2015-2016 Executive Officers, and future patient care projects.  We also have a guest speaker!  Dr. Marsha Drummond (Dr. McKelvey's sister) from the Associate Family Health Center (Pharmacy inside BMW manufacturing facility) will be speaking about her duties as a "Diabetes Care Pharmacist" and about other unique aspects of her job.

Steamer's lunch will be provided to members who complete the following survey:

January Dress Down Day

The dress down day for this January will be on January 26th. The cost will be $3 and the money will be going towards buying coats and winter clothes for children in need.

Posters from January Research Symposium

If you presented a poster at the January Research Symposium last week, please remove your posters if you have not done so already.

Heart Health Kickball Tournament

There will be a kickball tournament on February 7th which will help fund the Red Heart Gala this year. The teams will consist of 8-10 people and the cost is $5 per person.  Once you have your team, email your roster to John Mark Dias( We will be collecting money next week(1/26/15 to 1/30/15) but feel free to email the teams any time before the deadline.  The deadline for sign up will be Friday, January 30th.  There will be a prize for the winning team. There will be more details about the time and location in next week’s edition of Pharmnews.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

CPFI news

There is a Campus Worship Night on main campus Wednesday, January 28th, at 7pm at the Mabry-Smith Yonce (MSY) building.  Everyone is welcome and it will be a great time of fellowship and worship!

Join us for bible study Wednesday morning 8-8:20 in room 141.  Breakfast will be provided!!

Our chapter meeting is Monday, January 26th, from 12-1.  Be on the lookout for a survey monkey for lunch.   

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight” -Proverbs 3:6

Deadline to register for Beta Chi's 13th Annual Leadership Conference is Friday, January 30th

The Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Lambda Sigma, the Pharmacy Leadership Society, at the College of Pharmacy is hosting their 13th annual leadership conference on Saturday, February 7th, 2015 at the College Center at Trident Technical College in North Charleston. A full program description can be viewed at the following link:

This year's program facilitator is Mr. Ron Culberson, MSW, CSP, CPAE, a humorist and author of three books, including his most recent called "Do it Well - Make it Fun: The Key to Success in Life, Work and Almost Everything in Between Please." Ron's bio can be viewed at the link above. Registration is $90 for healthcare professionals and $45 for health professions students. Credit card payments may be made using the following link: Checks can be mailed to Dr. Cathy Worrall (see program for address). Registration and payment must be received no later than Friday, January 30th. No refunds are available after this date. Register for the conference using the following link:

Please help spread the word to students and faculty on your campus. To date, we have student from a variety of Schools/Colleges of Pharmacy registered to attend the conference this year, including the Notre Dame of Maryland University, Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy, South Carolina College of Pharmacy, South University, University of Connecticut, University of Florida, University of North Carolina, University of Utah, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Wingate University. It should be a great opportunity to network with student leaders from other schools as well as practitioners. Some of the PLS National Executive Committee members will also be there.

We hope you and your students can join us for another fun and interactive conference! If you have any questions please let me know.


Cathy Worrall, PharmD, BCPS, FAPhA
Professor, Clinical Pharmacy & Outcomes Sciences
Faculty Advisor, Beta Chi Chapter

South Carolina College of Pharmacy

ASP Counseling Competition

Our annual Patient Counseling Competition will take place January 23rd from 11:45-1:30 and January 27th from 11:45-1:30. There will be 15 minute time slots for each student, where they will have 5 minutes to look up information they will be counseling on and 5 minutes to counsel the patients. Please refer to the Eventbrite below to sign up for time slots. This is a great way to get involved! The first place winner will represent PCSP at the national meeting in San Diego, California on March 27-30th. Contact Paige Street ( with any questions.


Opportunity for P4 students interested in a residency...

From Dr. Clements: 

Belmont University College of Pharmacy PGY1 Residency Program
The Belmont University College of Pharmacy, Rolling Hills Hospital and the Siloam Family Health Center are pleased to announce the availability of two post-graduate year one (PGY1) residency positions for the 2015-2016 residency year. Upon completion of this one year, full-time, intensive experience in delivering comprehensive pharmaceutical care, residents will develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, ability to educate patients from diverse backgrounds and literacy levels, design, monitor, and implement complex medication regimens for chronic diseases with an emphasis on mental health disorders. Pharmacists completing the program will be well prepared to provide care for mental health conditions within a primary care setting, to care for chronic conditions within a psychiatric setting, or to continue residency training as a PGY2 resident in a focused area of practice. Clinical training will be conducted at Rolling Hills Hospital located in Franklin, Tennessee and Siloam Family Health Center in Nashville.  Rolling Hills Hospital is a behavioral health facility that provides both inpatient and outpatient mental health services to adolescents through older adults.  Siloam Family Health Center is a charitable clinic for the uninsured, which provides whole-person care to a diverse patient population, refugees, immigrants, and native Tennesseans, many of whom experience mental health concerns along with their other medical conditions.  In addition to their clinical responsibilities, residents will receive adjunct faculty appointment to the Belmont University College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Practice. Residents will complete Belmont’s resident teaching certificate program and teach didactic and experiential courses. 

For more information about this residency please follow this link: Belmont University College of Pharmacy PGY1 Residency Program

Sunday, January 11, 2015

CPFI Bible Study

Bible study starts back this week! Come for a great fellowship Wednesday morning at 8:00 in room 141. Breakfast is provided!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6


Welcome back! Our first chapter meeting of 2015 is this Monday, January 12th at 12pm in Room 144.  Dr. Asbill will be our speaker this month and he will be talking with us about the Compounding Competition.  We will be having lasagna and salad for lunch.  We look forward to a great semester with all of you!

CPNP Fundraiser


CPNP's organization fundraiser will be this Monday (1/12) to Friday(1/16). We will be selling "10 Ways to Know You Went to Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy" t-shirts and stainless steel water bottles with the PCSP logo (please see flyer in attachments for photos/options/etc.). We will be passing around flyers and sign-up sheets all week and will have members in the student cafe on MondayWednesday, and Friday to take orders/payment (we accept cash, check, & credit/debit cards). 

If you ordered a Chick-fil-a biscuit, payment is due Monday (1/12) and biscuits will be distributed Wednesday morning (1/14) in your scheduled classroom.

We appreciate your support to help our organization succeed!

Members: Our January meeting falls on a holiday, so we have rescheduled it for January 26th. This is also the date for CPFI's meeting, so please attend their meeting if you are a CPFI member. More details will be sent later.

Travel Funding Request Deadline - January 15th

Please note the following important information regarding Travel Funding Requests (deadline January 15 for travel to be completed February - May). Forms, guidelines, and a list of pre-approved professional meetings are available on Moodle (Organization: Pharmacy Student Organizations and Affairs, Folder: Professional Meetings / Travel).

Travel Funding Requests

A completed Request for Travel Support form (see attached) should be submitted before any travel arrangements are made and must be received by the Office of Professional and Student Affairs by the deadline to be considered.  Any travel requests received after the cycle deadline will not be considered until the next travel cycle. A student is eligible for travel funding for a maximum of one trip per year (cycles 1-3) – exceptions are winners of multiple competitions and in-state travel to state pharmacy associations.

Travel Dates
Funding Request Deadline
October – January
September 15
February – May
January 15
June – September
May 15

No expenditures will be reimbursed without prior approval.  If a student will miss class to travel, an Absence Approval Form with all pertinent course coordinator signatures (except Dr. Sease’s) must accompany the request for travel support. The maximum amount to be reimbursed will be determined according to the policies listed in the PCSP Bulletin.

Students receiving travel support are expected to uphold the highest standards of professional conduct while traveling and avail themselves of every opportunity for development and/or education at the meeting.  Students who are not compliant with attendance requirements or professional standards may be subject to disciplinary action.  All students receiving travel support must include information in their Growth and Assessment Portfolio regarding the impact of the supported travel on their professional growth.

Celebration of Difference

PC School of Pharmacy Community,

I’m proud to announce that January is the second annual PCSP Celebration of Difference to celebrate diversity of the School of Pharmacy community.  Events include:

·        Taste of Culture on Wednesday, January 28 from 12:00 – 1:00. Representatives (faculty, staff, students) will set up a booth with sample food(s) that represents their background and culture during the event.  Participants will get their passport stamped at each booth for a chance to win fun prizes (like PC t-shirts or an iTunes gift card)!  Persons interested in hosting a booth should contact Ms. King by Friday, January 23.  Prizes sponsored by Walgreens Diversity Program.
·        Map Display on 2nd floor bulletin boards for students, faculty, and staff to indicate their geographical area of origin/heritage.  Push a pin in the area that identifies you and then take some time to see where those in our community are from.  I’ll bet we’re more diverse than you expected!
·        Video Competition from individual or groups of students describing how they celebrate difference.  Share stories about your heritage and how your background has shaped you as a person.  Video vignettes (3 – 7 minutes) must be completed without the assistance of PC IT staff and must be submitted to Ms. King by Friday, January 23.  All faculty, staff, and students are invited to view and vote for the best videos on Wednesday, January 21 at 7:00 PM.  Vignettes will be displayed on the TVs the last two weeks of January.  We’re looking forward to learning more about our colleagues’ backgrounds!  Prizes sponsored by Walgreens Diversity Program.
·        Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Post your favorite quote from Dr. King on PCSP’s Facebook wall during the month of January. And enjoy the holiday in his honor on Monday, January 19.
·        Campus-wide MLK Service Day.  Make the MLK Holiday a day on, not a day off by joining the PC campus for a Service Banquet at 9:30 AM in Mabry-Smith Yonce to recognize leaders in community service.  Then go out and serve the community from 11:00 – 3:00.  The day includes breakfast and lunch.  Contact Rachel Parsons Wells, Director of Religious Life and Service ( to sign up.
·        Campus-wide Worship.  You are invited to participate in an ecumenical worship service organized by the Religious Life Council on January 28 at 7:00 PM in Mabry-Smith Yonce.
·        P1 Dean’s Hour.  Ms. Lashwana Wright, M.Ed., Assistant Director for Student Involvement and Multicultural Programs will speak to our first year students about multicultural affairs at PC on January 29th.
I hope you’ll enjoy this month and take opportunities to celebrate the differences of those around you!

Take care,

Dr. Fox

Phi Lambda Sigma Meeting

The Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Lambda Sigma at the South Carolina College of Pharmacy on the MUSC Campus in Charleston, South Carolina is hosting their 13th annual leadership conference on Saturday, February 7th, 2015 at the College Center at Trident Technical College in North Charleston. The details about this full-day program, including links for registration and payment, are in the link below. Please help us spread the word about this conference to the faculty, staff and students at your school and anyone else you think may be interested in attending the program. We hope that many schools will be able to send representation to the conference again this year.

If you have any questions about the upcoming program please feel free to contact me.


Cathy Worrall, PharmD, BCPS, FAPhA
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Experiential Education
Advisor, Beta Chi Chapter, Phi Lambda Sigma
South Carolina College of Pharmacy – MUSC Campus


This coming Monday(January 12th) at noon, SSHP will hold our monthly meeting in lecture room 104. We are honored to have guest speaker, Dr. Heather Hughes, PharmD., a Pediatric Clinical Pharmacy Specialist from Greenville Hospital, at this meeting. We will provide lunch to all members who sign up for the meeting via survey monkey. Drinks will not be provided so please be sure to bring your own.

ASP Compounding Competition

Our annual Patient Counseling Competition will take place January 23rd from 11:45-1:30 and January 27th from 11:45-1:30. There will be 15 minute time slots for each student, where they will have 5 minutes to look up information they will be counseling on and 5 minutes to counsel the patients. Please refer to the Eventbrite below to sign up for time slots. This is a great way to get involved! The first place winner will represent PCSP at the national meeting in San Diego, California on March 27-30th. Contact Paige Street ( with any questions


SCPhA meeting

Our next 5th District meeting will be on January 20th, 2015. Our presenter will be Eddie Grace,  associate professor of pharmacy practice with Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy. The topic will be Ebola: The Past, The Present, and The Future.
Please pre-register for this event at Light snacks will be provided, starting at 6:30 pm. The CE presentation will be from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The fees are $20 for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
Click on the links below for more details.

Monday, January 5, 2015


SNPhA meeting will be this Wednesday, January 7th, at 12 pm in lecture hall 104. Lunch will be provided. Please bring your own drink.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Clicker Registration

Dear Students,
Happy New Year!  I’m looking forward to seeing you Monday.  In preparation for classes next week, please be sure to register your TurningPoint clicker for your spring semester courses.  Here are the simple and quick (will take you just a few moments) steps for doing so:

a.       Navigate to (I recommend using FireFox rather than Google Chrome or another browser) and log in.
b.      Choose any one of your spring semester courses and enter its Moodle page (be careful to choose a spring course, not an old fall course if they are still in your menu).
c.       Scroll down the page and look along the left hand side (or possibly the right hand side for some courses) until you see the TurningTechnologies block. All courses should have the TurningTechnologies block turned “on” at this time, but if not, simply try another course.
d.      Click on the “ResponseCard Registration” link in the TurningTechnologies block.
e.      Click on “ResponseCard”.
f.        Enter your device id (if this box is missing content). Your device id is located beneath the barcode on the back of your clicker.
g.       Click “Register”.
h.      Your clicker should now be registered for each of the courses you are taking this semester.  You should not need to repeat the above in any other courses, but should automatically be registered in them.
Dr. Sease