Sunday, October 26, 2014


We have a chapter meeting this Monday, October 27th from 12-1 in room 104.  At this meeting, we will be taking our group photo.  Lunch will be Bojangles chicken, rice, green beans, and macaroni and cheese for $2. 

Do you have any extra shoeboxes?  We would greatly appreciate any donated shoeboxes for our philanthropy, Operation Christmas Child!  If you would like to donate shoeboxes, you can give them to Jenny Goetzmann or Amanda Holloman or put them in their box.  Thank you!

We will be participating in a Trunk-Or-Treat on Halloween at the old Clinton High School.  We will be meeting in the parking lot behind the school at 4:45 to carpool.  The event starts at 5:30 and will last about an hour to an hour and a half.  This event is approved for non-pharmacy community service hours! Feel free to bring candy and dress up! 

“You are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hidden…Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven”   –Matthew 5:14-16


SSHP is hosting a week long fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Carolinas. Monday, October 27th will be a Chick fil-A lunch. If you ordered lunch, you can pick it up during our lunch hour Monday (12-1pm). Throughout the week, SSHP members will be preparing baked goods and placing them on tables in front of both the upstairs and downstairs lecture halls. Baked goods will be sold for $1. Our annual chili cook-off/cornhole tournament/costume contest will be Friday, October 31st from 6-9pm at the Harper Center on main campus. You can still sign up for the event on the SSHP bulletin board. We are asking that everyone pays for the event by Thursday, October 30th. You can find any SSHP officer to take care of this matter. (Caleb Wallace, Lizzy Holden, Abby Case, Lindsey Connolly, Markie Webster, or Courtney Meade) The week will conclude with a yard sale on Saturday, November 1st at the pharmacy school. If anyone would like to donate items for the yard sale please let one of the SSHP officers know. Items are stored in the building behind the pharmacy school. We look forward to everyone participating next week and helping us to donate to a great cause.

Honor Council Applications

NOVEMBER 1, 2014 is the deadline to apply to be a member of the Honor Council.  We are seeking out P1, P2, and P3 students to join.  

To apply, please fill out the application here:  ( and use the password: honor

One recommendation is also required.  This can be from either a faculty member or current honor council member.  A list of honor council members can be found here (     

The recommendation form should be filled out by the person giving you the recommendation here:  The password is:  honor

Please don't hesitate to ask Emily Clamp ( any questions about this process!


Please make sure that you have turned in your order forms and collected money from our fundraiser to Paige Street. You can either email her ( to meet up with her or you can place them in her mailbox. If you place money in her mailbox, please make sure that they are in an envelope with your order form and name. Please make sure that you do this as soon as possible so that we can process our order with Yankee Candle. We really appreciate everyone’s participation in this fundraiser! 

The APhA-ASP Yankee Candle Fundraiser is still available online!  This is a great opportunity for everyone to grab gifts for the whole family, yourself included!!!  Simply follow this link ( and enter group number (990069692) to browse all the great products available!  If you have any questions please contact Paige Street (

APhA-ASP has generously extended the deadline to join one last time.  If you are still interested, memberships will be accepted throughFriday, October 31st.  Just a reminder, the annual dues are $60, which includes our local chapter dues, and you can join online at  Questions?  E-mail Amy Hynes at  

Compounding Competition

A Message from Dr. Asbill, Professor of Pharmaceutics:
Please contact Dr. Asbill if you have any questions(
Good Afternoon Colleagues and PCSP Students,

I am happy to announce that on Saturday, January 17th, the PCSP will be hosting a local compounding competition for our pharmacy students.  This event is being sponsored by Medisca.  The winning group we select from our local competition will represent the PCSP at the National Competition this spring (March 21st and 22nd) at the University of Florida.  A sign-up sheet will be posted shortly by NCPA President Paige Ross on NCPA’s bulletin board upstairs.   For the National competition, there are three components in which each group will be evaluated (Compounding Classic, Regulatory Challenge and Quality Compounding).

The compounding classic component features the formulation, preparation, presentation and documentation of three (3) compounded medications. From a list of chemicals provided, students are asked to allocate each one to a specific medication and associated delivery system for a given route of delivery.

The regulatory challenge component features a regulatory challenge whereby students are issued a single or series of controversial issues involving regulatory standards of practice. Prior to this event, student teams, along with their faculty representative, will have been given the opportunity to formulate a written response, following a prescribed template, in an attempt to ultimately find reasonable solutions to a series of challenges facing today’s compounding industry experts. Teams will select an orator to deliver a clear message and defend a position stand on the issue(s) being addressed before a panel of industry experts, fellow students and faculty.

The quality compounding component features the creation and hosting of a kiosk at a trade show. In a highly interactive and social milieu, each student member of the team will be afforded the opportunity to represent themselves at a trade show. Kiosk posters will be created on-site. Representation of the underlying concept(s) is the focus of this event.

For our local competition, groups will compete in a compounding classic component and it will be similar in design to the nationalcompetition.  In addition, we will have a written component (test) in which students will have to perform calculations involving compoundedpreparation and answer questions about general information regarding the compounding of both sterile and non sterile preparations.  In addition, there will be a formal debate by each of the groups.

Teams are a group of three students.  Only the P2s, P3s and P4s are allowed to compete in the local competition.  The date of our local competition will be Saturday, January 17, 2015.   

Phi Lambda Sigma Video Competition

Hello Everyone!

I am the Vice President of Phi Lambda Sigma at the South Carolina College of Pharmacy. I would like to invite you to participate in the Challenge for Creative Collaboration, C3 Video Competition! If you would like to play a part in shaping the future of health care, this is the event for you! We would love to have a team from PCSP represented in our competition! You do not have to be a member of your school's local Phi Lambda Sigma chapter to participate; all students are invited!

Don't miss your opportunity to win cash prizes (anticipated $2000, $1000, and $500: guaranteed $600, $400, $200 for first, second, and third places respectively)! This is also a great CV/resume or interview booster, providing tangible evidence that you actually thought about the way healthcare is changing and what you can do to make a positive impact. 

The challenge is to create a video addressing a current or potential future health care issue in concordance with IHI's Triple Aim, and considering the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. 

For information on how to register, please check the links below:

C3 Competition Website:

Individual Registration (we'll help you make a team!):

Teams must have at least 2 students. The registration deadline is October 31Video submission is due January 16th.

Please like us on Facebook as well!

Feel free to contact us with any questions! 

Nathan Reid Mitchell
Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate, Class of 2016
South Carolina College of Pharmacy, Columbia Campus
APhA-ASP Chapter President
PLS Vice-President
SNPhA Webmaster

PCCA Boot Camp

PCCA Boot Camp dates are filling up quickly!  The two-day Introductory Compounding Lab Boot Camp is tremendously popular.  It is designed to introduce students to the more unique and novel dosage forms that are utilized by today's compounding pharmacists, to enlighten them as to the reality and feasibility of opening their own compounding pharmacy, and to inspire them to think of compounding as a viable, rewarding, and fulfilling career pathway. 
Two full days of lecture and hands-on laboratory work provide a basic understanding of the skills, tools, and equipment used in Contemporary Compounding.  Students complete eleven dosage forms they take home with them, focusing on dosage forms such as lollipops, lip balms, troches, and transdermal delivery systems.  Lectures on various contemporary compounding topics, compounding as a career path, and patient case studies are also on the agenda.
Here are the upcoming dates scheduled at our PCCA facility in Houston, TX: 
·        December 11 – 12, 2014 (limited spaces available)
·        January 5 – 6, 2015

For more information and to register for the course, please visit

Alcohol and PC: One Less Drink

One Less Drink
All students should consider attending Counseling Service’s presentation to bring awareness of  how alcohol ​affects one's body and decision making process.  Charlie Stinson from GateWay Counseling has a way of getting the point across in a sobering manner, yet still entertaining enough to hold your attention. He spoke last year and the students requested his return! 
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
11:00 am in Edmunds Hall
Alcohol and PC: One Less Drink
Presented by Mr. Charlie Stinson from GateWay Counseling Center in Laurens
Charlie Stinson has been in the addiction prevention and treatment field for 14 years. He is certified both in South Carolina and nationally as an Addiction Treatment Professional and an Addiction Prevention Professional. Mr. Stinson’s 16 years of work experience includes running treatment programs for adults and adolescents, managing admissions to a treatment facility that included inpatient programs and detoxification, conducting emergency evaluations for psychiatric and addiction emergencies. He currently is the Executive Director for GateWay Counseling Center in Laurens.
This program is recommended for all students.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

SNPhA – PC’s Got Talent Show - Tuesday, October 21st @ 6:30pm in Edmund's Hall

The 2014 Pc's Got Talent Show will be held this Tuesday, Oct. 21st @ 6:30 pm in Edmunds Hall.  We have an awesome line-up of talent in this year's show so please come out and support your fellow Blue Hose.  This year you help decide the winner as you, the audience, will have the opportunity to text in your votes to help decide this year's winners.  Don't miss out on this year's fun and have to wait an entire year to make up for it.   

Tickets are $3 per person and we are asking everyone to bring canned food item(s) as we will donate those canned food items to a local food bank in anticipation for this year's holiday season.  By bringing canned food item(s), you will be entered in a drawing to win a door prize!!!!   

We look forward to seeing you all at the show and feel free to bring along a friend.   Thank you!!! 

KE Murder Mystery Party - Monday October 27th

Our 4th annual Murder Mystery Party will be held on Monday, October 27th at the Clinton House Plantation from 6-8pm. Everyone is welcome! Tickets for members will be $2 and non-members are $3. Please contact Alex Yarborough (P3), Kerri Bergrin (P2), or Maizie Jones (P1) if you would like to purchase tickets. Finger foods and desserts will be served. The event is BYOB and designated drivers are available. Costumes are encouraged.

Tickets will be on sale October 20th-24th.


Join us for bible study Wednesday morning 8-8:20 in room 141.  Breakfast will be provided!!
“A merry heart does good like a medicine; but a broken spirit dries the bones” –Proverbs 17:22 


Members: don't forget our next chapter meeting is this Monday, October 20th, from 12-1 in room 144. Our guest speakers are Dr. Kawsky and her current resident from the Dorn VA Medical Center. Don't forget to RSVP for lunch.

APhA-ASP Fundraiser

APhA-ASP will be holding their chapter fundraiser beginning October 15-22nd. The fundraiser consists of selling Yankee Candles and anything that their company has to offer. This is a great way to start thinking about Christmas presents and to start shopping now. You have the option to order online or find a member of APhA-ASP to view a catalog and order from them. The items can be shipped directly to your house or picked up here at the school. We encourage you to show the website to your family. If you would like a catalog, feel free to contact Paige Street (

Click on seller log-in on the top right of the screen. Enter the group number 990069692 and start shopping!

Honor Council Applications

As a reminder, honor council applications AND 1 recommendation letter from either a faculty member or honor council member are due on November 1, 2014.   Further instructions for both can be found here:

Please contact Emily Clamp ( with any further questions.  

Friday, October 17, 2014

ACCP Announcement

The ACCP Ambulatory Care PRN has rolled out an online networking activity for students/residents/clinicians via the social media website Twitter, and we need YOU to get involved!

Don't have a Twitter account? Join online<> or download the Twitter app for Apple<> or Android<>.

Get started now and follow us @ACCPambuPRN.


  *   A clinical questions will be tweeted weekly at a set time beginning Tuesday, October 14th
  *   Answers will be released 24 hours later and will include links to supporting evidence/guidelines
  *   The first correct response that is tweeted as a reply will be recognized when the answer is released

Please share this information with other students/residents/colleagues, and tell them to watch for #ACCPpearls on Twitter.

The Ambulatory Care PRN thanks you in advance for making this initiative a success!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

APhA-ASP Operation Immunization

March on Health: Operation Immunization
Volunteer opportunity for APhA-ASP members
Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM

Help advocate the importance of receiving immunizations to the Clinton community!  Outreach to patients and educate them on the immunizations they need to receive to protect themselves and their community.  Click Here to for more information or to sign up.

APhA-ASP October Chapter Meeting

Our next Chapter Meeting will be after Fall Break on Wednesday October 15th from 12:00-1:00pm.  We do not have a guest speaker for this meeting, but we will be covering important information and we will be providing lunch!  More information pertaining to lunch will be provided soon, so stay tuned. 

Yearbook Staff Informational Meeting - 10/15

P1s and P2s, if you are interested in being on the yearbook staff we will be having a brief informational meeting on Wednesday (10/15/14 at noon to 12:30pm) Room #TBA. If you cannot make it but are still interested please contact myself Annie Nguyen ( with any questions.


THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our trivia and wore green to support Mental Illness Awareness Week. We will be announcing the prize winners soon via email and Facebook. 

SNPhA - PC's Got Talent - October 21st

We are proud to announce that the 2014 PC's Got Talent Show is scheduled for October 21st at 6:30pm in Edmunds Hall on Main Campus.  This event is to be held in coordination with the homecoming events on main campus with the help of the Student Union Board and the Office of Multicultural Events.  We are anticipating a great turnout and great performances as students all throughout Presbyterian College share their various talents.   Come out and show your support for everyone involved.  Tickets to the event are $3 and can be purchased at the door upon arrival. 

Anyone interested or know of someone who may be interested in participating can sign up by emailing Terrence Woodward ( with your name, contact information and specific talent.  Auditions/rehearsals are scheduled for October 15thand 16th at 6:30 in Edmunds Hall.  Please sign up even if there are scheduling issues.  We are willing to work with you to make sure that everyone is accommodated.  

Anyone who brings a canned food item(s) along with them the show will be entered in to a drawing for a DOOR PRIZE.  All canned food items will be donated to the local food bank.  Thank you all for your time and we look forward to seeing you all at the show!!! 


AMCP will have their chapter fundraiser October 20th through October 24th which will consist of PCSP fleece jackets.  See bulletin board or a member of AMCP for additional information.  We encourage you to ask your family and friends for support as this is a great opportunity to advertise our pharmacy school!

Additionally, the next chapter meeting will take place on Monday, October 20th, from 12pm to 1pm in room 140.


Our next chapter meeting is October 27th from 12-1. We will be taking our group photo at this meeting. 
Also, we are pleased to welcome Bill Crockett as our guest speaker. He is the director and founder of the Fellowship of Young Christian Professionals based out of Columbia, SC. Be on the lookout for a survey monkey for lunch! 

Don't forget to come to bible study this Wednesday morning 8-8:20.  Breakfast will be provided!

“You are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hidden…Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven”   –Matthew 5:14-16

Scotoberfest - Friday, October 24th

This year the Student Union Board is helping to sponsor the third annual Scotoberfest the Friday afternoon of Homecoming Weekend.  The idea is to bring students, faculty, staff and families together in a fun, relaxed setting as part of the week's homecoming festivities.  There will be Bratwurst, Pretzels, bagpipes, and, hopefully, folks from the Greenville Scottish games (really everything you need for a German/Scottish fusion event)!  The details:
When? Friday, Oct. 24,1:30 - 4:00 PM
Where? The Quad in front of Lassiter/Richardson
Who? Students, Faculty, Staff, and Family!
What?  German/Scottish Festival with food, games, music, and fun!
Kilts and Lederhosen (or both) are most welcome!  Hope to see you there!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

APhA-ASP Operation Immunization and Pizza&Policy

We still have a few places available to our members for the Monday 10/6 Operation Immunization Project at AstenJohnson!
Sunday 10/5  (11am-1pm)
Monday 10/6  (6:30am-10am or class start) (3pm or class end - 5pm)
A gratifying experience!  Employees have been very grateful of our presence in past years!  Volunteers will assist pharmacists in preparing patients for vaccination and assisting with necessary documentation.
CLICK HERE to sign up for AstenJohnson!!!  Limited space available!

PIZZA and POLICY!!! - Everyone is welcome!!!
This Wednesday, Oct 8th from 12-1pm in Room 271, 
APhA-ASP is hosting a Pizza & Policy lunch this coming Wednesday.  Every organization is welcomed and invited to come. Our main focus will be to discuss provider status with the HR 4190 bill and what we can do as student pharmacists to help support this much needed legislation. Pizza will be provided and open discussion is encouraged. Remember, HR 4190 has the potential to impact our profession as we know it. Please come out and learn how to be a positive voice in the development of the future of pharmacy. Together we can make an impact!!!

SSHP News and Events

The next chapter meeting is Monday, October 6th, from 12 to 1  in room 104.  I am pleased to announce that our guest speakers will be Dr. Kevin Brittain and Dr. Patrick Cogan. Dr. Brittain is the informatics clinical pharmacy specialist at the Dorn VA Medical Center in Columbia, and he also serves as the residency coordinator for Dorn's informatics and administration PGY-2 residency program. Dr. Cogan is the current PGY-2 informatics and administration resident at Dorn. 
Subway lunch will be provided to members who RSVP'd; but please make sure to bring your own drink. 

RMH Week
Please make plans to join us for our annual chili cook-off and corn hole tournament on Friday, October 31st.  Attendance and participation is open to the entire PCSP community!  All proceeds will be aiding the Ronald McDonald House in Greenville. Please contact Courtney with any questions.
Also, the annual yard sale to benefit RMH is scheduled for Saturday, November 1st.  Donations to the yard sale are kindly being accepted and please plan to swing by and score a few great finds! Please contact Courtney Meade with any questions.

APhA-ASP Chapter Fundraiser - October 15th to 22nd

APhA-ASP will be holding their chapter fundraiser October 15-22nd. The fundraiser will consist of selling Yankee Candles and anything that their company has to offer. This is a great way to start thinking about Christmas presents and to start shopping now. You have the option to order online or find a member of APhA-ASP to view a catalog and order from them. The items can be shipped directly to your house or picked up here at the school. We encourage you to show the website to your family members over fall break and have them start thinking about Christmas. If you want to take a catalog home to your family, feel free to contact Paige Street (

Click on seller log-in on the top right of the screen. Enter the group number 990069692 and start shopping

CED Event - 10/7

The next CED event is this Tuesday, 10/7 beginning at 6pm.  Ms. Linzie Batchelor, owner of Outflare Marketing, will present 'Marketing Fundamentals'.  She is a PC graduate, and her company focuses on the needs of small businesses, including independent pharmacies.  The program will be in room 104.

CPFI Bible Study

Bible study is Wednesday morning 8-8:20 in room 141. Hope to see you there!

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." -Romans 12:12

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Interprofessional Service Learning Project (ISLP) and Junior Doctors of Health (JDOH)

ISLP/JDOH (see link below: ISLP Project Reference Sheet) is in the process of scheduling their first session in Spartanburg for the month of November.  Students will need to meet with them once for a 4-hour didactic session and then once a week for 3 weeks for approximately 2 hours to implement the project.  Project work dates are still being narrowed down with the site.  This project will count towards the pharmacy-related community service requirements for your GAP and is an opportunity for interprofessional interaction as well.  All interested students should send their name and email address to Mrs. Cindy Bodie no  later than noon on October 10th. The list of interested students will then be provided to ISLP/JDOH who will contact you with further details.